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tech startup funding questions answered by technology attorney David Nima Sharifi
Starting a tech startup is an exciting journey, but it comes with its fair share of challenges, especially when it comes to securing funding. Entrepreneurs face numerous uncertainties and obstacles, and funding is a crucial factor in transforming an idea into a successful business. Many entrepreneurs have questions about fundraising, such as how to create a pitch deck, attract investors, and invest their first $1,000. In this blog, we will delve into the trials and tribulations of entrepreneurs and answer their most common questions about fundraising. We’ll explore the importance of pitch decks, how to attract investors, and what to consider when investing the first $1,000 in a tech startup.

Why is a pitch deck so important?

If you’re an entrepreneur looking to raise capital for your startup, you might be wondering why a pitch deck is so important. A pitch deck is a brief presentation that summarizes your business plan, and it’s an essential tool for any entrepreneur looking to secure funding for their business. Here are a few reasons why a pitch deck is so important:
  • It communicates your vision. A pitch deck is a great way to communicate your business idea, mission, and vision in a concise and engaging way. If well-crafted it can help potential investors or partners quickly understand what your business is about and why it matters.
  • It highlights your unique value proposition. One of the most important things you can do when pitching your business is to highlight your unique value proposition. A pitch deck can effectively highlight what sets your business apart from others in the market and why your idea is worth investing in.
  • It demonstrates market opportunity. If written correctly it can help you demonstrate the market opportunity and potential for growth of your business. This can help investors see the potential for a return on their investment.
  • It shows financial projections. A pitch deck typically includes financial projections, which can help investors understand the financial viability of your business. This is particularly important if you’re seeking funding for a startup that hasn’t yet generated revenue.
  • It engages and captivates your investors and audience. A pitch deck is an opportunity to engage and captivate your audience, whether it’s through compelling visuals, storytelling, or a well-structured narrative. A we ll-designed pitch deck can help you stand out from the competition and make a strong and memorable impression on potential investors.

How do I get investors to give me their time and check out my idea?

As an entrepreneur, you may have a great idea for a business but struggle to get investors to give you the time of day. However, there are several things you can do to increase your chances of getting investors to take a closer look at your idea.

Build a strong network

Networking is key in the world of entrepreneurship. Attend industry events, join relevant organizations, and participate in online communities related to your field. Building a strong network of contacts can help you get introductions to investors and increase your visibility.  Develop a compelling elevator pitch An elevator pitch is a short, persuasive speech that explains your business idea in a concise and engaging manner. Your pitch should be no longer than 60 seconds, meaning you can make the pitch during an elevator ride, hence the name “elevator pitch”. In the elevator pitch, entrepreneurs should clearly articulate their value proposition. This can be a powerful tool to capture an investor’s attention and get them interested in learning more about your idea. Create a professional pitch deck As discussed above, a pitch deck is a visual presentation that provides an overview of your business idea, including key details such as the problem you are solving, your target market, your team, and your financial projections. It is important to create a professional-looking pitch deck that is easy to follow and includes compelling visuals. Be sure to tailor your pitch deck to the specific needs and interests of your target investors. For more tips on pitch decks and business planning for startups, see Chapter 2 of “Tip-Top Startups. Legal and Business Playbook Optimized for Innovation”, now on Amazon.  Research and target the right investors It’s important to research and target investors who have a history of investing in businesses similar to yours. This will increase your chances of finding investors who are interested in your idea and have the expertise and resources to help you succeed. You can use online platforms such as AngelList, Gust, and Crunchbase to find potential investors. Follow up and be persistent Investors are often inundated with pitches and may not respond to your initial outreach. It is important to follow up and be persistent, without being pushy or aggressive. Try to find ways to stay in touch with potential investors, such as through newsletters or social media, and continue to update them on your progress. In summary, getting investors to give you their time and check out your idea requires a  combination of networking, a compelling elevator pitch, a professional pitch deck, targeted research, and persistence. By following these steps and staying focused on your goals, you can increase your chances of attracting the investment you need to turn your idea into a successful business.   If I have $1000 to spend on my startup, what worthwhile expenses should I incur? While online resources may suggest various ways to spend startup funds such as on marketing, professional services, equipment, and tools, a budget of $1,000 is unlikely to be sufficient for a successful startup launch. Even the legal fees for filing a trademark with the government can cost up to $250 in 2023, which means that the funds can be exhausted quickly. Undercapitalization is the primary reason for most business failures, so it is essential to invest the initial budget wisely. Instead of allocating the entire $1,000 for product development or promotion, the best investment is to raise more capital. For instance, a portion of the budget could be used to purchase a resource like “Tip-Top Startups” to learn how to create an effective pitch deck for investors. Professional consulting or other resources could be utilized
“Building wealth through strategic investments.”
 to make the pitch deck more attractive to potential investors. Spending some of the budgets on admission fees for events and conferences where target investors may be present can provide an opportunity to pitch to them. Finally, entering a pitch competition can also offer the chance to get face time with various investors. However, $1,000 is likely insufficient to operate successfully, particularly when it comes to legal due diligence, so investing the funds in a campaign to raise more capital is the best use of funds.     In conclusion, having a strong pitch deck and pitch is essential for any entrepreneur seeking to raise money for their startup. However, it’s also important to make smart use of funds, no matter the size of the budget. The key is to invest wisely, such as spending on resources to create an effective pitch deck or admission fees for events and conferences to reach potential investors. Additionally, legal fees for filing trademarks and other documents can quickly eat into startup funds, so it’s important to plan for those costs accordingly. Ultimately, with a strong pitch and smart use of funds, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of securing funding and achieving success for their startups. Consultation with an experienced technology startup attorney in Los Angeles is recommended.   
Picture of David N. Sharifi, Esq.
David N. Sharifi, Esq.

David N. Sharifi, Esq. is a Los Angeles based intellectual property attorney and technology startup consultant with focuses in entertainment law, emerging technologies, trademark protection, and “the internet of things”. David was recognized as one of the Top 30 Most Influential Attorneys in Digital Media and E-Commerce Law by the Los Angeles Business Journal.
Office: Ph: 310-751-0181; david@latml.com.

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